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Milking with an Astronaut

Lely Astronaut A4 Robotic Milker

Our herd at Greystones Farm produce ## more milk when they have the ability to choose when to go into the parlour; plus they get a nutritional snack whilst they're in there!

See the robot up close!

Just head towards the cow shed and look through the either viewing window on the front and side to see!

The girls only go in when they want though, so no guarantees it will be in use...

Benefits of a robot

Not only do the cows produce a higher yield of milk, the robot allows us to better manage the cows, & farm to a higher standard to produce the best products we possibly can - for you.

This means our team can spend more time making sure the girls accommodation is tip top & do other farmer jobs like making hay whilst the sun shines i.e all other jobs that all make a good farm!

Robot FAQs

How long does it take to milk a cow?
Generally, between 4-8 minutes

When do the cows go in?

They can go in any of the 24 hours in the day

How many times can they be milked?

2 times in any 24 hours with a gap of at least 6 hours

How long does it take to train a cow?
Only a few days - cows are clever & know where the food is!

What happens when it goes wrong?

We get phone calls from the robot who tells us the problem and it may be a quick fix where we can pop down and investigate or it may require an on-call robot specialist


Cotswold Organic Dairy


©2022 by Cotswold Organic Dairy

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